Ridgway Area Trails


Ridgway Area Trails are located south of Montrose off of Highway 550. The foundation of the Ridgeway Area Trails is the RAT Group. RAT has been dedicated to founding and supporting mountain bike trails in the Ridgway area. RAT is a local chapter of the Colorado Plateau Mountain Bike Trail Association, Inc.

Working with the town of Ridgway, Ouray County, the Bureau of Land Management and Colorado State lands, construction of the trail project started in 2011 with the goal of an initial construction of over 30 miles of trail. In 2013 and 2014 RAT has added approximately 8 miles of trail, between Ridgway town land and BLM managed land. Collaboration with the Colorado Parks and Wildlife enabled RAT to receive a $200,000 grant for additional trail construction. Continuing collaboration with COPMOBA (Colorado Plateau Mountain Bike Trail Association, Inc.) and Colorado Parks and Wildlife supported additional construction of 7.5 additional miles of trail in 2016.

Come and celebrate the Ridgway Area Trails, support RAT and COPMOBA!

Basecamp Ouray Link

[wunderground location=”Ridgway, CO” numdays=”4″ layout=”simple”]

Ridgway Area Trails

(Ridgway State Park)

RAT Trails

(Ridgway State Park)

Speedy Gonzales

(Ridgway State Park)

Rat Trap

(Ridgway State Park)

The Big Cheese

(Ridgway State Park)

Rattus Maximus

(Ridgway State Park)

Rattus Maximus Spur

(Ridgway State Park)

Dennis Weaver Memorial Park

(Dennis Weaver Memorial Park)