Hartman Rocks Climbing


Situé à just au sud-ouest de la ville de Gunnison, aire de loisirs des roches Hartman se compose de plus de 8 000 hectares pour les activités extérieures. Le nom de la famille de Hartman, une famille de pionniers au début, la zone de loisirs est un partenariat entre la ville et le comté de Gunnison et le Bureau of Land Management. L’aire de loisirs est à usage multiples :

  • Escalade de rocher (177 Routes)
  • Vélo de montagne (45 miles single track, 45 miles double track)
  • Randonnée pédestre
  • Camping (permitted at established fire rings)
  • Centre Equestre
  • Véhicules hors route (45 miles of trails, 45 miles of road)
  • Ski de fond (16 miles of groomed trail)

Accès de l’autoroute 50 : Allumez sud ouest route de l’aéroport (County Road 38) pendant 2,5 miles vers la zone de stationnement.

En raison de la proximité des zones escalade un à l’autre, consultez la carte pour les emplacements.
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Bambi’s Trail Area Bouldering:
11 routes
Camels Head Boulder: 1 route
Crash Site: 1 route
The Hueco Boulder: 1 route
The Island: 7 routes
Unknown Boulder
Mountainproject.com: Bambi’s Trail Area Bouldering

Bambi’s Trail Rock Climbing: 1 route
Bambi’s Belly: S 5.11-
Mountainproject.com: Bambi’s Trail Rock Climbing

Beginners Slab Rock Climbing: 7 Routes
Devil’s Spine, aka Bajorn: S, TR 5.7
Ferringy: S, TR 5.7
Unknown 1: TR 5.6
Cardassian: S, TR 5.9
Baby’s Got Crack: T 5.10d
Crack, Baby!; T 5.7
Turtle Back Crack: T 5.7
Mountainproject.com: Beginners Slab Rock Climbing

Best Crack Wall: 5 routes
Best Crack: T 5.10a
Electric Lightning: T 5.7
Joe Cocker’s Toe Jam: S 5.11
Open Project: T Easy 5th
Straight to Hell: T 5.11a R
Mountainproject.com: Best Crack Wall Rock Climbing

Bouldering Areas:
The Beach: 15 routes
The Candy Man Boulder: 3 routes
Deffy’s Artes: 0 routes
The Far Side: 13 routes
The Other Side: 15 routes
Pre-Teen Area: 2 routes
Quarter Inch Master Area: 5 routes
The Roof Crack: 2 routes
Son of Sam Area: 0 routes
The Stash: 18 routes
Suppermodel Area: 1 route
White Lightning Area: 4 routes
Mountainproject.com: Bouldering Areas Bouldering

Buddha’s Belly Wall Rock Climbing: 6 Routes
Unnamed 5.8: T 5.8
Ramayana Story: S, TR 5.11a
Unnamed 5.6: T,TR 5.6 PG13
Laughing Buddha: S 5.11a
Buddha’s Belly: S, TR 5.10b
Doba’s Drama: S 5.11c/d
Mountainproject.com: Buddha’s Belly Wall Rock Climbing

The Corridor: 6 Routes
Breakdance: S 5.10
Shake and Bake: S 5.10
No Pants, No Problem: S 5.11
Toddler Massage: T 5.10
The Worm Hole: T, TR 5.7
Teen Spirit: T 5.7 X
Mountainproject.com: The Corridor Rock Climbing

Cut the Rope Wall, aka Tom Sawyer Wall: 4 routes
Huckelberry’s Fin: TR 5.12+
All Things Ninja: S 5.9+
Runaway Jim: S 5.9+
Every Day is a Gift: S 5.8
Mountainproject.com: Cut the Rope Wall, aka Tom Sawyer Wall

Groove Rock, aka Leap of Faith Area: 3 routes
Dancin Fool: T 5.9
Neutral Zone: T 5.9
Rules of Acquisition: S 5.10a/b
Mountainproject.com: Groove Rock, aka Leap of Faith Area

Kill Hill Boulder Area: 12 routes:
Duck Boulder: 1 route
Fish Head Boulder: 2 routes
Grey Lightning: 2 routes
Heroin Tracks Boulder: 0 route
Nickles Boulder: 1 route
Ninja Boulder: 1 route
Water Groove Area (top of Kill Hill): 4 routes
Y Crack Boulder: 1 route
Mountainproject: Kill Hill Bouldering Area

Little Finger, aka Penis Rock Climbing: 4 Routes
Little Finger aka Penis Rock South Face: S 5.10c
Pinnacle Gully- Chungas Revenge: S 5.7
Pinnacle Gully- Pajama People: T 5.8
Pinnacle Gully- Wowie Zowie: S 5.8
Mountainproject.com: Little Finger, aka Penis Rock Climbing

Predators’ Perch Rock Climbing: 2 Routes
Unknown: T, TR 5.10
Warpity: T, TR 5.10
Mountainproject.com: Predators’ Perch Rock Climbing

Project Wall: 1 route
Cobra Strike: S 5.14b
Mountainproject.com: Project Wall Rock Climbing

Resistance Wall: 3 routes
Mystery Flake: T 5.9
Resistance is Futile: S 5.8
Sick Day: S,T 5.8-
Mountainproject.com: Resistance Wall Rock Climbing

Rock ‘N Roll Wall Rock Climbing: 4 Routes
Open Project: S easy 5th
The Gift of Sport aka Between a Pimp and a Hard Place: S 5.12
The Gift of Trad: T, S 5.12
Watching in Silance: S 5.9
Mountainproject.com: Rock ‘N Roll Wall Rock Climbing

Slab of No Return: 3 routes
Valley Girl: S 5.6
The Groove Thing: T,TR 5.7+
Slabba Dabba Doo: S 5.8+ PG13
Mountainproject.com: Slab of No Return Rock Climbing

The Slot: 6 Routes
Mustang Sally: S 5.10b
Snoop Doggy Dog: S 5.10b
Voodoo Butter: S 5.9+
Muffin Man: S 5.10a
Walk the Dog: S 5.7
Motza Balls: S 5.10c
Mountainproject.com: The Slot Rock Climbing

Super Slabs: 6 routes
The Pink Nipple: T 5.10d
Shape Shifter: T 5.10a
Unknown route betweek Shape Shifter and Joker: S 5.8+
The Joker: T 5.9+
The Riddler: T 5.9
Keating Beating: T 5.10a
(In honor of the famous phrase at Western, “I just took a beating at Keating” dining hall?)
Mountainproject.com: Super Slabs

Teenage Wasteland: 6 routes
Route 2, ska Primal Instinct: T 5.10a
Back in Black: T 5.9
Cross Town Traffic Right: S 5.8+
Route 5: T 5.9
Magic Bus: T 5.9 PG13
Easy Slab: T 5.55
Mountainproject.com: Teanage Wasteland

Tiger Wall: 9 routes
Pussy Foot: S 5.9
Feline Grace: S 5.11-
Kitty Cat Kicked My Ass: S 5.12a
Tiger Shark: S 5.12c
Statement in You: S 5.12a
Crystal Ship: S 5.12a
Eye of the Tiger: S 5.11+
Tigers and Goats: S 5.11
Cat Daddy Wu-Wu: T, S 5.11
Mountainproject.com: Tiger Wall